Construction products in English

Are you selling construction products in Norway? We will help you find the requirements for selling a construction product in Norway.

Sist endret 06.04.2020

  • Documentation of construction products

  • Assessment and verification

  • Rules and surveillance

Product contact point for construction

Norwegian Building Authority is the product contact point for construction (PCPC) in Norway.

Questions for the PCPC
If you did not find a sufficient answer to your question regarding the requirements for selling a construction product in Norway on this website, please send us an e-mail,, with your question. Please specify the construction product and the harmonised standard to which your question is related. We kindly ask you to send us your question in English or Norwegian.

You will receive an answer from us within 15 working days after we have received your question. The service is free of charge.

PCPC in other countries
If you are selling construction product in another country in the internal market, please contact the designated contact point.

Contact information: